Events Calendar

Staff Development Calendar

Professional Development Opportunities. Now Available.


District Pro D

February 26, 2021 District Pro D

More Information Coming Soon!

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Welcome to Office 365

Burnaby has launched Office365 for Secondary Students and Staff.


Professional Growth Plan

Professional Growth Plan

Professional Growth Program unique to Burnaby Schools. Click Here for the Brochure.


Responsive Joomla template JA Purity III marks the next milestone of us in crafting the best Joomla templates for our techie users. Following up with Purity series, JA Purity III heritages the outstanding advantages of its pioneers: brilliant adaptation for multi-purpos

Tincidunt auctor at eget vel congue vel leo platea ligula mi. Et amet pretium Maecenas condimentum magna egestas urna vel Aenean nibh. Condimentum ipsum platea ullamcorper Vestibulum elit a Quisque sed orci velit. Fringilla quis ut eleifend semper non Nulla tincidunt consectetuer urna id. Sem consequat id Ut id vel id tristique vitae Nunc laoreet. Enim magna non.

Tincidunt Sed Ut hendrerit ipsum vitae Quisque sapien facilisi et ac. Id justo Proin urna dapibus ligula Nullam dui consectetuer Curabitur et. Et vel at neque amet et nibh accumsan In magnis et. Id Nulla orci congue a nibh vel Curabitur tincidunt Curabitur ornare. Laoreet Nullam a pretium et et pretium a sed.

  • Perfect starting template for starters and developers.
  • Based on T3v3 Framework.
  • Compatible with Joomla 3.
  • Compatible with numerous popular 3rd party extensions AND this list is on going.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Supports Right-to-Left language layout.
  • Supports Bootstrap 3.
  • Interactive and friendly interface for both front-end and back-end.
  • Plentiful layouts and styles for sites about Business, News, Magazine, Portfolio, Showcase, Blog and so on.

Tincidunt Sed Ut hendrerit ipsum vitae Quisque sapien facilisi et ac. Id justo Proin urna dapibus ligula Nullam dui consectetuer Curabitur et. Et vel at neque amet et nibh accumsan In magnis et. Id Nulla orci congue a nibh vel Curabitur tincidunt Curabitur ornare. Laoreet Nullam a pretium et et pretium a sed.