Welcome to Office 365!
In the 21st century, online technology is a way of life and providing the tools to enhance the online learning experience is a District priority.
We are pleased to be able to offer all K-12 school students free access to a Microsoft Office 365 cloud based account*. It includes a personal email address as well as access to the most recent versions of Microsoft Office tools, such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote and more. It also includes an online file storage space (OneDrive) so work can be accessed on any device. Office 365 enriches the learning experience providing students and teachers the ability to communicate, store files and collaborate on documents and presentations from school or home, all within a secure online environment.
Some Features of Office 365
- Students can install a desktop version of the Office Productivity Suite at home (up to 5 Devices)
- It comes with OneDrive that provides 1 Terabyte of cloud-based file storage
- Storage and Backup up on Canadian Servers
- Students will get a district-based email address
Digital Citizenship
We remain committed to teaching students good digital citizenship and safe online behavior. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that the use of technology is appropriate and for educational purposes only. This includes not storing personal information on your OneDrive account or sharing personal information through your Office email account. For more information, please take a look at our Terms of Use for Students and the Student Network Acceptable Use Policy.
Access to Office 365 Student Account
Follow the steps below to access an Office 365 account:
- Open a web browser. Go to https://portal.office.com
- Login using this format:
Username: pupil#@edu.burnabyschools.ca (The same ID used to login to school computers)
Password: your SD41 school password (The same password used to login to school computers)
If you do not know your username and/or password, please ask your teacher. - For more detailed instructions, please follow our Student Start-Up Guide and review the resources on the sidebar.
Access is Optional
Office 365 student accounts support instruction and learning. If, for whatever reason, a parent/guardian does not wish their child to have access to these cloud-based tools and environment, please fill out and return the Student Opt-Out Form.